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Role Players 2024

Dr. Jenna A Burton

Medical Writer and Media Presenter

I am a jack of all trades within the medical profession. Whether it is feeling comfortable to work in a busy A & E department, manage a team of healthcare professionals, teach healthcare to a group of children in a nursery school, deliver a health related podcast to the mass public or speak to a group of academics regarding research that I have been lucky enough to participate in... I am in. Enthusiastic and basking in the diversity between serious medicine and the occasionally light hearted, yet fundamental, aspects of healthcare communications.

My passions within the industry include healthcare education to the public, wellness, cosmetics, quality assurance and policy work, aviation physiology and ringside medicine.

On a personal note, I am extremely driven to educate the public regarding eating disorders. This has touched me personally for many years and encouraged me to begin blogging (along with other health related issues and daily life concerns) on and If you would like me to act as an ambassador or contribute to your charity, please do not hesitate to contact me.